Future Lab News

Takenaka: No.2 "Wangan Maxi 3, now up and running!"

Hello, everybody. My name is Takenaka, a programmer for Wangan Maxi.

Some time has passed since Wangan Maxi 3 was completed and came onto the market. How do you like this game?

In Wangan Maxi 3, the hardware and systems used were all refurbished and we all had to try our best to handle them...

I was responsible for adding "Free branching in VS player mode", "Ghost battle mode" and "New courses: Osaka, Kanagawa", as well as renewing Story mode, for which I had to rewrite most of the existing program code.
(In particular, the "Free branching system" was difficult in its own way...)

Therefore, we all went through a lot to produce Wangan Maxi 3, but all our efforts will be more than worthwhile if you all enjoy playing the game.
Please enjoy Wangan Maxi 3 just the same as you did Wangan Maxi 1 and 2.

We would like to keep on providing you with the Wangan Maxi "side stories", just like before, here on this page.
I hope you enjoy reading!

Thank you and see you again soon!

(Original article in Japanese released on 11.15.2007)

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