Tondemi Hirakata - Membership Registration

Member Registration

How to register as a member

If it is your first time using the "Tondemi Usage Fee", all members must register as members. *Registration is not required for those using the kids' area or those accompanied by a parent. ​ ​*A membership registration fee is required for those using Tondemi for the first time.

  1. Add 1 ​ ​Tondemi official LINE friend
  2. 2 Select "Register here"
    Allow authentication
  3. 3 To accept the terms of use Check it Select Next
  4. Four Select "Register Member Information" Tondemi admission fee Customer information for players input If a parent is registering their child's information as well, please enter the parent's information first, then the child's information.
  5. Five Membership card It will be issued, Present at reception upon arrival At this point, your registration will be provisional and you will be officially registered at the reception desk when you visit the store.
    If you are using Tondemi for the first time, you will be required to pay the membership registration fee.

If you are unable to present your LINE membership card on the day

Provisional registration/full registration In either case it is applicable.

  • When one adult goes out with a child from another family
  • ● If the mother has a membership card on LINE, but the father takes the child out to play, etc.

Click here for details

■ Support for customers who do not come to the store on the day and who have a LINE membership card

    Save the registered LINE membership card as a screenshot
    Send a picture of your LINE membership card to adults who come to the store on the day.

After sending the screenshot, open your LINE membership card again. The screenshot image will be invalid because the barcode/number will change.
Therefore, please be careful not to update (open) your LINE membership card after sending the image.

■ Support for customers coming to the store on the day

    Please present the LINE membership cards of all people who will be playing on the day at the reception, including a screenshot of the LINE membership card you received.

  • *Only for Tondemi visitors. Parents are not required to enter.

Register as a member
