Tondemi Hirakata - Facility Introduction

Facility Guide

Sports Entertainment Area

Tondemi EXPO Area

The first Tondemi area featuring Japan's first products! The "Tondemi EXPO Area" has arrived!
Activities that test your sense of balance and allow you to move in ways you've never done before
An exclusive original collaboration activity!
A new area where you can experience what it's like to be the main character in an action game!

Tondemi EXPO Area

The latest digital activity: Jump on a trampoline and make the Keihan train run!?
An exclusive trampoline race activity, an action activity in which you aim to reach the goal without falling off the wall with various traps.
The Tondemi EXPO area where you can enjoy three activities that are making their first appearance in Japan!

Action Wall

First appearance in Japan! Aim for the goal without falling off the colorful walls that are full of various traps!
The wall moves! ? Jumps out! ? Spins! ? Get across the wall without falling off!
Aim for the fastest goal in the time attack!
Come experience this first-of-its-kind activity in Japan that lets you feel like the main character in an action game!

Action Wall


The first digital cart game in Japan!
Pedal and take on 4 different races!
Compete with up to 4 people!
Get excited about the heated races!


Keihan Railway Jumping Race

The first in Japan! The latest activity only available here!
Race against each other with up to 4 people!
When you jump on the trampoline, the Keihan train on the screen will speed up in tandem!
Aim for first place!

Keihan Railway Jumping Race

Tondemi EXPO Area Notices

  • ・Take turns for one game of each activity.
  • ・Each activity has a set number of participants. Please refrain from participating in more than the capacity.
  • ・Please follow the rules for each activity and instructions from staff.

◆Action Wall

  • ・Only one person can use the facility at a time.
  • ・Please do not enter the course or onto the mat while other people are playing.
  • ・Running backwards while playing is prohibited.

◆Keihan Railway Jumping Race

  • ・Please remove any glasses (including sports glasses) or accessories before using the trampoline. If you cannot remove them, you will not be able to use the trampoline area.
  • -Do not jump on one trampoline with more than two people.

Tondemi Tower Area

Tondemi Tower Area
Tondemi Tower Area
Tondemi Tower Area
Tondemi Tower Area
Tondemi Tower Area

A gigantic 3D playground equipment 10m high, packed with 15 different activities!
A button-pressing game where you avoid various obstacles in an athletic setting!
Compete in a zone where you can enjoy various ball sports!
On the top floor there is a net trampoline! Experience the thrill of a 10m height!
In the center of Tondemi Tower is a thrilling vertical slider that drops vertically from a height of 7m!
You can experience the floating sensation of a roller coaster!
A state-of-the-art athletic facility packed with a wide variety of activities that can be enjoyed by both children and adults!

At night, enjoy athletics surrounded by illuminations!

Athletics and illuminations!?
At night, the Nighttondemi event will be held, where various lights such as neon lights and spotlights will be lit up!
Enjoy a variety of activities and experience the extraordinary surrounded by light.

At night, enjoy athletics surrounded by illuminations!
At night, enjoy athletics surrounded by illuminations!
At night, enjoy athletics surrounded by illuminations!
At night, enjoy athletics surrounded by illuminations!

There are also plenty of photo spots!

Take photos at the photo spots set up inside Tondemi Tower and create memories!

At night, enjoy athletics surrounded by illuminations!
At night, enjoy athletics surrounded by illuminations!

Tondemi Tower Area Notice

  • ・Take turns for one game of each activity.
  • ・Please adhere to the capacity limits for each stage. Please do not enter courses or areas where other customers are playing.
  • ・Please follow the rules for each activity and instructions from staff.
  • ・Please do not slide down the slide when there are other people on it. Please wait until the person in front of you has exited the slide before you start.
  • ・Please do not enter areas being used by other customers.

■ Vertical slider precautions

  • ・This fee is separate from the Tondemi admission fee (500 yen).
  • ・Please be sure to wear the designated jumpsuit and helmet.
  • ・Please do not enter the slide while other customers are playing as it is dangerous.
  • ・Do not enter restricted areas.
  • - Do not move your body while suspended.
  • ・Do not slide down in a dangerous position, such as holding onto the top of the slider with your hands.

Air Run Area

Air Run Area
Air Run Area
Air Run Area

This is a new type of air obstacle course that can be safely enjoyed by both adults and children.
There are obstacles made of air, and you can reach the goal by climbing, going under, jumping over, or knocking them down in a variety of ways!
There's a huge ball pool on the course! Push your way through the balls!
The first in Japan to combine an air run and a ball pool! An exclusive activity!

  • * "Air Run" is a registered trademark of Bandai Namco Amusement Inc. (Registered Trademark No. 6238877)
  • * A patent related to this activity is pending.
  • * All images are for reference only.

Air Run Area Notes

  • ・Please make sure to remove any glasses (including sports glasses) or accessories when using the Air Run Area. If you cannot remove them, you will not be able to use the Air Run Area.
  • ・Up to two people can use the facility at one time. We will guide one group at a time.
  • ・Please stay on one course. Please do not stray onto adjacent courses in the middle of your journey as this is dangerous.
  • ・Do not stop while driving.
  • - Grabbing or pulling the surrounding nets is prohibited.

Trampoline Area

Trampoline Area
Trampoline Area
Trampoline Area
Trampoline Area
Trampoline Area

This is a popular area among Tondemi's activities. It offers a wide range of Tondemi's popular content.
The 14-sided trampoline area has various zones, allowing you to experience the fun of trampolining to the fullest.
There is also a zone where parents and children can enjoy dunking and diving, and jumping with your children or friends will lift your spirits and your body.
At night, the spotlights create a fantastical atmosphere where you can enjoy the trampoline!

  • The "Free Zone" where you can enjoy jumping around freely
  • The "Dunk Zone" where everyone from children to adults can try their hand at slam dunks
  • The "Jump Pit" where you can safely dive right in
  • "Ball High Jump" where you touch a hanging ball
Free Zone
Dunk Zone
Jump Pit

Trampoline area precautions

  • ・Please remove any glasses (including sports glasses) or accessories before using the trampoline. If you cannot remove them, you will not be able to use the trampoline area.
  • - Do not land on any place other than the trampoline as you may get injured.
  • ・If a beginner suddenly jumps high, it can be very dangerous as they may fly off in an unexpected direction, lose their balance, or fail to land. Once they get used to it, gradually increase the height of their jumps.
  • ・Pay close attention to other people jumping around you, and be sure to give way to others when jumping, while ensuring safety.

The following actions are extremely dangerous and must be avoided under any circumstances.

  • ◆ Dangerous jumps (somersaults, back falls, stomach falls, handstands, cartwheels, etc.)
  • Landing on the trampoline with your head, neck, or torso
  • ◆ Sitting or lying down on the trampoline or pad
  • ◆ Playing tag on a trampoline
  • ◆The act of jumping over one trampoline in one go
  • * Climbing, hanging, kicking or ramming into the netting or posts on the walls
  • Jumping and intentionally landing on the mat
  • ◆ Grabbing the pad and climbing the trampoline slope
  • - Sitting on the trampoline walls or climbing or leaning on the surrounding fences
  • ◆Stepping onto a trampoline while someone else is jumping
  • * Jumping into the air cushion when there is a customer inside the air cushion

Climbing Wall Area

Climbing Wall Area
Climbing Wall Area
Climbing Wall Area
Climbing Wall Area

The extremely popular climbing wall area can be enjoyed by both adults and children. The wall is 6m high.
There will be 5 types of walls with 7 courses of varying difficulty so that even children can enjoy climbing.
Customers will be equipped with a rope equipped with a deceleration device, allowing them to enjoy climbing safely.
There are climbing walls, including the popular wall at Tondemi,
There are a variety of challenging activities available, including a two-person speed competition and a colorful block wall.

Climbing Wall Area Notes

  • ・Staff will put on the necessary harnesses, helmets, safety gear, and safety ropes. Do not climb without wearing a harness, helmet, safety gear, and safety rope.
  • ・Some parts of the climbing wall's surface have been treated. Please be careful of scratches.

The following actions are extremely dangerous and must be avoided under any circumstances.

  • - Approaching the bottom of the climbing wall while other customers are playing
  • ◆ Entering restricted areas
  • ◆The act of climbing above the goal
  • Intentionally falling upside down or kicking the wall hard to get down
  • * Holding the safety rope at any point other than the designated area when descending

TONDEMI Party Area

TONDEMI Party Area

Great for adults, small children, families, and groups!
Let's have fun and get into a party mood♪
"Tondemi Party Area"!

Human Tower Battle

This interactive activity pays homage to the popular smartphone game "Animal Tower Battle."(*1)
Players create their own "human blocks" by photographing themselves in any poses they like and stacking them into a tower on their own or with others within a set time limit. The game ends when the tower collapses and falls off the platform.
This activity can be played alone or with your family and friends.

Human Tower Battle

*1 About Animal Tower Battle
This smartphone game was released on March 31, 2017. The point is to vertically stack randomly appearing animals and the first one to drop an animal loses. This is a leisurely versus game that players of all ages can enjoy.


By using a motion sensor, you can play games without using a game controller.
It is a digital gaming activity that allows players to move characters on the screen with their physical movements.


Kids Area

Kids Area

Kids Area

This is an area for preschool children who cannot participate in the regular activities due to usage restrictions.
Children can enjoy the excitement of moving around through a variety of activities here.

Kids Area Notice

  • ・When using the facility, parents must accompany them (high school students are not permitted).
  • ・Please refrain from using the facility if your child is unwell.
  • ・Please read the precautions for each piece of play equipment carefully and follow them.
  • ・There may be small children on the playground equipment.

Please refrain from the following actions as they may result in injury.

  • ◆ Lying down or intentionally pushing other children
  • ◆Climbing the slide from the bottom
  • ◆ Playing roughly
  • ◆Running within the area