Tondemi Ehime emifull MASAKI - Facility Guide

Facility Guide

Sports Entertainment Area

Air Run Area

Air Run Reverse 2

This new type of blow-up obstacle course can be safely enjoyed by adults and children alike.
Air Run was first added at Tondemi Heiwajima and is a very popular activity that lets parents, children and friends casually compete against each other.
The Air Run activity at Tondemi Ehime emifull MASAKI is packed full of new surprises. Players must run and touch the button at the end of the course and then loop back. The turnaround adds an element of strategy with players’ posture and speed during their U-turn. In the past, Tondemi Yokosuka's Air Run Reverse course layout was the same both ways, but Air Run Reverse 2 has evolved and now the layout changes partially on the leg back.

Blow-up obstacles are set up along this 36-meter-long course and runners must reach the goal by climbing, passing through, jumping over, and knocking down the obstacles. Everyone from families to groups of adults can have fun racing against the clock.

  • * "Air Run" is a registered trademark of Bandai Namco Amusement Inc. (Registered Trademark No. 6238877)
  • * A patent related to this activity is pending.
  • * All images are for reference only.

Air Run Notice

・Please make sure to remove any glasses (including sports glasses) or accessories when using the Air Run Area. If you cannot remove them, you will not be able to use the Air Run Area.
・Up to two people can use the facility at one time. We will guide one group at a time.
・Please stay on one course. Please do not stray onto adjacent courses in the middle of your journey as this is dangerous.
・Do not stop while driving.

Slackline Area

A thrilling rope activity area! Participants wear safety belts as they cross the slacklines, which are approximately 3.5 meters high, with 13 different difficulty levels and a total length of 78 meters. Some areas literally leave you hanging, making the courses even more exciting.

By hooking participants to an overhead rail with a safety rope, they can enjoy a thrilling tightrope challenge while also staying safe.
At Tondemi Ehime emifull MASAKI, rope-walkers can gaze down on the “Kids TONDEMI” area located directly under the slackline area, adding a dynamic feel to the layout of the area.

  • * All images are for reference only.

Ropewalk precautions

・Staff will put on the necessary harnesses, helmets, safety gear, and safety ropes. Do not climb without wearing a harness, helmet, safety gear, and safety rope.
・Do not touch the carabiner part of the safety rope.
・Please wait until the previous customer has reached the next station before starting. It is very dangerous for two people to play the same activity at the same time.
・The following actions are extremely dangerous and must be strictly prohibited.

  • * Running on the course or intentionally shaking the course
  • ◆ Driving in the wrong direction on the course
  • Intentionally jumping off the course

Trampoline Area

Designed under the supervision of
trampoline gymnast Ryosuke Sakai

I got to supervise the trampoline area's design and we've filled it with lots of ways for children and adults alike to discover the fun of trampolines!
I hope that visitors' encounters at TONDEMI lead to the birth of future trampoline gymnasts!

Bandai Namco AmusementAffiliated Athlete
Trampoline Gymnast Ryosuke Sakai

Bandai Namco Amusement Affiliated Athlete - Trampoline Gymnast Ryosuke Sakai

Trampolines are being installed at more locations in Japan each year and this is one of the largest installments in the Chugoku-Shikoku area.
A total of 42 mats line the 460-square-meter trampoline area and are divided into various zones so that you can experience the fun of trampolines to the fullest.
The design of Tondemi Ehime emifull MASAKI’s trampoline area was supervised by Ryosuke Sakai, a trampoline gymnast affiliated with Bandai Namco Amusement, to help visitors have even more authentic trampoline fun.

There are zones where parents and children can enjoy making slam dunks, dodgeball, volleyball and a foam pit for endless fun with family and friends. There is also a 3-meter-high deck you can look down from to watch other visitors enjoying the trampoline and climbing areas.

  • The "Free Zone" where you can enjoy jumping around freely
  • The "Dodge Zone" where you can play dodgeball using the wall
  • The "Dunk Zone" where you can make slam dunks
  • The "Jump Pit" where you can safely dive right in
  • The "Quick Action Trampoline" where the first person to press the button wins
Free Zone
Dodge Zone
Dunk Zone
Jump Pit

Trampoline precautions

・Please remove any glasses (including sports glasses) or accessories when using the trampoline area. If you cannot remove them, you will not be able to use the trampoline area.
- Do not land on any place other than the trampoline as you may get injured.
・If a beginner suddenly jumps high, it can be very dangerous as they may fly off in an unexpected direction, lose their balance, or fail to land. Once they get used to it, gradually increase the height of their jumps.
・Pay close attention to other people jumping around you, and be sure to give way to others when jumping, while ensuring safety.
・The following actions are extremely dangerous and must be strictly prohibited.

  • ◆ Dangerous jumps (somersaults, back falls, stomach falls, handstands, cartwheels, etc.)
  • Landing on the trampoline with your head, neck, or torso
  • ◆ Sitting or lying down on the trampoline or pad
  • ◆ Playing tag on a trampoline
  • ◆The act of jumping over one trampoline in one go
  • * Climbing, hanging, kicking or ramming into the netting or posts on the walls
  • Jumping and intentionally landing on the mat
  • ◆ Grabbing the pad and climbing the trampoline slope
  • - Sitting on the trampoline walls or climbing or leaning on the surrounding fences
  • ◆Stepping onto a trampoline while someone else is jumping
  • * Jumping into the air cushion when there is a customer inside the air cushion

Climbing Wall Area

The climbing wall area, open to adults and children alike, has 12 courses with 9 difficulty levels.
Participants wear a rope with a speed adjuster, for a fun and safe experience.

In addition to TONDEMI’s popular walls, the area also offers a lineup of challenging activities, like a wall where two climbers race against the clock and a challenge where participants stack blocks and aim for the top.
The tallest wall is 6 meters high. The climbing walls have lots of thought put into their designs and colors, making them great for photos.

  • * All images are for reference only.

Climbing Wall Cautions

Staff will put on the necessary harnesses, helmets, safety gear, and safety ropes. Please do not climb without wearing the harness, helmet, safety gear, and safety ropes.
・The surface of the climbing wall has been treated in places. Please be careful of scratches.
・The following actions are extremely dangerous and must be strictly prohibited.

  • - Approaching the bottom of the climbing wall while other customers are playing
  • ◆ Entering restricted areas
  • ◆The act of climbing above the goal
  • Intentionally falling upside down or kicking the wall hard to get down
  • * Holding the safety rope at any point other than the designated area when descending

Che Kule Ball Toss

This interactive activity uses the popular “Che Kule Ball Toss” game from elementary school sports festivals.
Players dance to the famous song "Che Che Kule Che Kofi Sa" and toss balls into a basket during the song’s the interludes. Two players compete to see who can get the most balls in.

● About the Che Kule Ball Toss(*One theory by Bandai Namco Amusement)
Che Kule Ball Toss is a unique Japanese “evolved ball toss” that is gaining popularity nationwide on sports day. The sight of children dancing to the lively song "Che Che Kule" and throwing balls into a basket is very endearing, making it a popular activity for children and parents alike. There are various theories about its origin.
The song "Che Che Kule" used in the "Che Kule Ball Toss" is a children's song that is considered an African folk song from Ghana.
Originally a classic Girl Scout song, it is said to have been brought to Japan by Girl Scout camp participants in the 1950s and 1960s. Around 2000, it became a hot topic as it was featured in beverage commercials and on popular TV shows.
It started being used as BGM for ball-throwing competitions on school sports days around 2000, with Fukuoka and Saitama prefectures developing the trend in particular.
The version of "Che Che Kule" used in this activity is the original audio by Kumiko Osugi and is used with permission.

Ningen Tower Battle

This interactive activity pays homage to the popular smartphone game "Animal Tower Battle.” (*1)
Players create their own "human blocks" by photographing themselves in any poses they like and stacking them into a tower on their own or with others within a set time limit. The game ends when the tower collapses and falls off the platform.
This activity can be played alone or with your family and friends.

*1 About Animal Tower Battle
This smartphone game was released on March 31, 2017. The point is to vertically stack randomly appearing animals and the first one to drop an animal loses. This is a leisurely versus game that players of all ages can enjoy.

Sling Adventure

Use a giant slingshot to launch balls toward jewels in this new TONDEMI activity! Hit the jewels to collect them!
Up to 3 people can play at the same time, so it's sure to be a hit with families and groups.

  • * Due to usage restrictions, children entering with the Kids TONDEMI usage fee cannot play this activity.

Jump Twister

Jump over and crouch under the randomly spinning bar to keep from losing your balance! This 2-player game is sure to be a hit♪

  • * All images are for reference only.

Other facility introductions and notes

・Take turns for one game of each activity.
・Each activity has a set number of participants. Please refrain from participating in more than the capacity.
・Please follow the rules for each activity and instructions from staff.

■Jump Twister Precautions
・Please remove glasses (including sports glasses) and accessories before using the Jump Twister.

Kids Area

Kids Area

The Kids TONDEMI Area is for children who do not meet the usage requirements of TONDEMI.
Younger children can still enjoy the excitement of TONDEMI through a variety of activities here.

  • The "Kids Action Athletic" space where small children can have fun being active
  • The "Kids Wall Climbing" area for all the first-time challengers
  • The "Che Kule Ball Toss" where family members can compete in a ball toss that uses the latest in digital content
  • *Admission to the Kids Area is restricted.
    Kids Area Requirements: Under 3 years of age with a height of 120cm or less (*must be accompanied by a guardian)
  • * All images are for reference only.

Kids Area Notice

・When using the facility, parents must accompany them (high school students are not permitted).
・Please refrain from using the facility if your child is unwell.
・Please read the precautions for each piece of play equipment carefully and follow them.
・There may be small children on the playground equipment.
Please refrain from the following actions as they may result in injury.

  • ◆ Lying down or intentionally pushing other children
  • ◆Climbing the slide from the bottom
  • ◆ Playing roughly
  • ◆Running within the area