Gashapon department store


Gashapon Department Store Ario Otori

store photo

store information

address 〒593-8325
3-199-12 Ario Otori 3F
Access Approximately 15 minutes on foot from JR Hanwa Line Otori Station East Exit
Hours 10:00-21:00
Closed: Open all year round
Telephone number 072-273-9200
  • 800 installations
  • Gashapon Official Shop

*Sudden changes in business days and hours will be announced on Twitter (@gasha_otori).

Shop Information / From Staff

The latest arrival information and sold out information will be announced on Gashapon's department store Ario Otori Twitter (@gasha_otori).

Items available at Gashapon department store Ario Otori

Bandai gashapon official shop logo

Bandai Gashapon Official Shop Product Information

<Inventory> ○…11 or more △(few left)…1-10
* The content of the publication may differ from the actual stock status of the store.

最終更新日:2024.07.18 15:03


Earn​ ​points with the app
gashapon department store
Enjoy it at a great price!

app image

Namco app

  • Earn points by checking in at the store!
  • Earn points with the empty capsule recovery machine!
  • Get coupons with accumulated points!