Tournament outline

Date & Time February 19, 2011(Saturday)
Place AOU2011 Amusement Expo NAMCO BANDAI Games Booth (Makuhari Messe, Chiba, JAPAN)
Contestants 16 representatives from each country

list of participating contries and regional

Participating countries and territories are planned. We will update if there are any changes.



World Championship 2011 rules

Basic participation regulations

Primary school students and up (anyone who can control a game console) / no gender limitations.

Anyone who can make sure to attend the World Championship.

※1If the participant is less than 18 years old, the consent of a parent or guardian is required.

※The representatives of each country will be invited to the AOU2011 Amusement Expo.
(NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc. will take care of the transportation and accomodation fees.)

Competition rules

Competition form Each match will be held between 4 contestants.
Use mode Event mode
Use card Each player uses their own tuning card.
The card name and car type registered at the store matches can not be changed until the end of the finals.
If you become unable to use your card during the tournament (through exchange or loss), you will be disqualified.
HP handicap on
Please do not hold down the brakes on the Time Zone select screen [the Morning/Midnight select screen].
Selecting Course C1
Time zone Up to the player.
BGM Up to the player.

Tournament lottery

The setup of each match in the tournament will be decided by drawing lots on the appointed day.

Selecting game console

The game console used for each match will be decided by having the contestants compete in rock-paper-scissors before the match, and the winner will get to choose first.

Other points of caution

Only the person chosen as a representative can participate. No proxies are allowed. If a proxy is caught participating, he/she will be disqualified.

If one of the participants does not make it to the venue in time for the start of the match, as a general rule, the opponent will win the game by default.

We kindly ask for your cooperation in keeping each race fair.If a race has been deemed unfair, it will be restarted.

If any sudden events occur, like problems with the game consoles, the tournament manager may decide to suspend and restart the race.

In case of unavoidable reasons, like a change in world affairs or a natural disaster, the guidelines might be changed or the tournament might be cancelled. If it is cancelled, there will be no substitute tournament.

The nicknames of the contestants may be made open to the public through Web Sites related to the tournament, game magazines, all forms of media and related video material.
Photographs of the finalists' faces may be used for introductory purposes at the finals.

Tournament mementos

the world champion

※ Details and specifications will be announced once they have been decided.

NAMCO BANDAI Games official award certificate, participation memento


